Oct 28, 2019
As wide-ranging an episode as ever, the Watsonian Weekly stands firmly with Paul Thomas Miller's assertion that Watson does not lie, wonders about Watson's Halloween costume with Robert Perret, and rages against Sherlock Holmes hogging all the titles. And there might even be the return of a certain old prospector and a...
Oct 21, 2019
It's a slim episode this week, as we await new books from our prime contributors just after the Portland trip, but there's still a few matters of Watson to talk about, massive tomes, trees, a Dock, and getting some of his friends together.
Oct 18, 2019
Tim Johnson's presentation from the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium on Sunday morning, October 13, 2019 gained him a standing ovation from the hundred or so in attendance, and this is the one recording of it we were lucky enough to have, made by @221bCrow and not originally intended for podcast release. We hope you can...
Oct 14, 2019
Watsonian adventures in Portland make for a weary, random podcast, but at least we have Paul Thomas Miller keeping the tiller of the good ship Watsonian Weekly steady. More Watsonians than we've ever had on a single episode before, though, so . . . quantity over quality? You decide.
Oct 13, 2019
Couldn't be in Portland, Oregon on October 13, 2019 to hear the talks at the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium? Here, at least is the final one from Sunday's program, or, at least, the rehearsal for it, so you can get in on some of it. The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium, like most of such weekends, was a great time,...