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Nov 25, 2019

There's a holiday giddiness in the air as we approach Thankfullness Day in certain countries, but that doesn't stop the Watson news and infotainment!  James, jackets, Jules Tassard, and just about everything Watson you can handle to start a festive week!

Nov 18, 2019

Several Watsons pass on, but hopefully not the one the podcast is about. We try to cheer you up with talk of spoons. There's a Watson that Watson could have actually met. And the unfrozen pirate isn't looking so good. It's just another watluck of Watsonian watttage to fill your wattle! Enjoy!

Nov 11, 2019

There's a self-partnering Watson out there, but John H. Watson is still the most remarkable Watson we know! Not placing great odds on his wife, though, as you'll hear this episode, along with a novel food preservation technique, and two seamen getting drunk!

Nov 4, 2019

Though the host be stumbling, the Watsonian Weekly marches on like the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers past a Russian ballet. Tigers and brandy and pirates, oh my! And a surprise Watsonian picks our word of the week!