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Jun 29, 2020

Watson's word of the week may be "sour," but he still seems to have an interest in music halls and lintels. We get to hear a lot of things about foreign editions from Don Hobbs, Sherlockiana's foremost expert on the subject, and if you stick around to the end of this longer-than-usual episode, you might even get a...

Jun 22, 2020

Bull pups, hounds, an almanac, and "My God! It's Watson!"

Even if it's Watson, Oklahoma, you'll find a little tiger in your Watson. And this episode, we actually talk to each other!

Jun 15, 2020

A little report on this year's online Scintillation of Scions symposium, poetry, Canonical characters in their forties, a movie Watson in his childhood, Vicar Roundhay, and more! (Watson as a muskrat.)

Jun 8, 2020

Think a podcast about John H. Watson can't find a way to talk about racism this week? Have you read what he wrote? Some seriousness and some of the usual silliness as well this week, so buckle up . . . it's still not a very long podcast, in any case.

Jun 1, 2020

Breaking news on Watson being replaced by a younger man with a similar first name adds to the chaos of the world at the moment, and we turn to poetry, Violet Hunter, and Australia for comfort.