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Dec 26, 2021

Well, bull pup Calder seems very confused about which day the second day after Christmas is, but it's a Blue Carbuncle heavy episode to celebrate that day, along with Moriarty the Patriot's Watson, and Watson's last hat to finish up 2021. Compliments of the season, Watsonians!

Dec 20, 2021

Better listen closely this time around, kids, as the voices come fast and furious with a dozen guests from the John H. Watson Society. Some talk of whippoorwills and holly, and a little surprise visit from that jolly fellow we adore at the end of our little Christmas parade.

Dec 12, 2021

Yep, it's Blue Carbuncle time, and we've got a few takes, along with other Watson, hat, and goose work, along with a dash of Irregular activity for seasoning.

Dec 6, 2021

Did I just type the whole description in the title? Pretty close! Walking through the fall issue of The Watsonian, mispronouncing names, and wondering about a few things until the regulars come in and do the real work of the show. Enjoy!

Nov 29, 2021

It's a short but sweet episode with updates on the John H. Watson Society, a feline Watson of the week, the good doctor modeling some glittery headwear, and how the nineties almost corrupted our old friend. Take twelve minutes and catch up with Watson!