Jan 25, 2021
Waiting for the U.S. president to talk about Watson again, murder ponies, more Clark Russell, Gnome Watson, canaries, and more! You don't have to love Watson to listen to the Watsonian Weekly, but what the heck is going on that you don't love Dr. Watson? Sheesh! Get on the Watson wagon, weekly!
Jan 18, 2021
Join Brad, Paul, Margie, Robert, and Madeline on a Watsonian cruise through unexpected waters this week. Keep your harpoons at the ready, because thar a whale of an episode blows, matey!
Jan 11, 2021
Recovering from the big Sherlock Holmes January Weekend and America's worst week in a while, the Watsonian Weekly still returns to being fully staffed with Margie Deck, Robert Perrett, Paul Thomas Miller, Madeline QuiƱones, and guest toaster Sandra Little! (And Brad Keefauver,...
Jan 4, 2021
Watson is into all kinds of curious things as be begin our third year of reporting upon Watsonish things. A lot of subbing for regulars this week, but you still get the full Weekly.