Sep 27, 2021
I just blew through recording this episode so fast that I can't even describe it! It's last thing on Sunday night and the Watsonian Weekly rides again!
Sep 20, 2021
This week we pay tribute to some Watsonian winners a couple of times, hear a little about Empty House, John Rhys Davies, shipboard marriage, seals, and could a podcast crossover be coming? Listen and let us know.
Sep 12, 2021
This week we wander through Watson's reading, his wife, a certain hat, an Obiwatson Kenobi, and the case where Watson was really the brains of the operation. Don't believe it? Listen to this . . .
Sep 6, 2021
Today was the deadline for the John H. Watson Society's annual month-long Treasure Hunt trivia quiz, and a certain podcast host waited until the final day to even start it when he should have been working on the podcast. The result? You get to listen to someone working on a trivia quiz while podcasting. (And...