Sep 26, 2022
We get through the Watson news pretty quick in this extra long episode, but then we test our listeners' endurance with a reader's theatrical adaptation of a novel by one of Watson's favorite writers. Take the Clark Russell Challenger and see if you can make it to the end of this week's episode!
Sep 19, 2022
Which Watson taught Holmes, what was Watson's favorite colour, and why are we talking about greeting cards? Most of those answers are in the title of this episode, but it'll only cost you ten minutes to find out the rest, as the host is having a bit of an off week. It's Watson time!
Sep 12, 2022
More mentions of tomatoes on this week's podcast that in the entire first forty years of Sherlockian publishing! And the return of the non-Watson author that we love to talk about, especially in September.
Sep 5, 2022
How does the musical ear of Josh Harvey hear a meeting of the John H. Watson Society? Who had a tendo achilles? Do mice play rugby? And why did Watson's friends take him to the movies in 1927? Quite a week for the Watsonians this Weekly!