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Dec 27, 2022

For Blue Carnuncle eve, bull pup Calder gives a reading of "A Christmas Goose" by Mary O'Reilly. Gather your Watsonian family around the radio and enjoy!

Dec 26, 2022

Bull pup Maddie finds David McDowell Blue for her Watson questions this week, bull pup Buck answers a question about food, bull pup Roxie finds a pickle in the Canon, and who was that young footballer who . . . well, we just won't think such things of Mrs. Watson, no, sir! Compliments of the season, it's Watson time!

Dec 19, 2022

This week, we fulfull that part of our theme song about audio crime, as technical difficulties make the sound less than perfect in one segment, and a musical with only thirty minutes of rehearsal and a cast so limited the director sings most of the songs (and not well). One of our cast was actually performing to win a...

Dec 12, 2022

If Watson could time travel, would he listen to this episode? It might not be his first choice, but eventually he might want to hear what Olivia Kirkendall thought about him. That, and no mention of Deshaun Watson at all, this week in Watsonian Weekly's fifteen minutes of pod!

Dec 5, 2022

Josh Harvey is Bull Pup Maddy's special guest on "Wondering About Watson" this week, Bull Pup Buck takes an old Sherlockian art form to new levels, Bull Pup Roxie rhymes of Watson's wife, and what else was Watson's Literary Agent trying as a side gig this time? The game is a-Watson!