Oct 25, 2021
It's an extra-long one this week, as we ad a little bit from the latest meeting of the John H. Watson Society (but not the part where a certain member allegedly plotted to kill Sherlockians just to get into an exclusive club . . . oops . . . that's not in this episode). All our regulars, no sea captains, just the way...
Oct 18, 2021
We're all over the place this week: a Noble Bachelor's hat, a Priory poem, a Force-full Watson, and the end of a saga. All like something from a dream dreamt by a man named John.
Oct 11, 2021
Wondering how many wives Watson had? We have answers! Which Watson was his Holmes's arms? We have that answer! Who do you get to do Clark Russell Corner when you can't get Captain Basil? That answer too! And something about squirrels gone bad that may be somebody's answer to something.
Hang on, it's Watson time!
Oct 4, 2021
Really short episode this week, as the host had some family functions to deal with, but you get a hat and a wannabe! Take a break and check in on the doctor.