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Jun 27, 2022

This week we hear from the John H. Watson Society, who would clearly rather talk about Watson's army pension than his summer beach parties. Bull Pup Buck gives us a final, authoritative answer about Watson running with a wounded leg. Bull Pup Maddie decides a certain unpopped pea fan's sporty potential. And Bull Pup...

Jun 20, 2022

It's about Watson somehow. You know this show. And if you don't, WELCOME TO THE PARTY!

Jun 13, 2022

Are we slightly off our game this week? Well, some are some aren't, but here's your weekly dose of Watson, even if personally I think it needs a little ketchup.

Jun 5, 2022

This week, our Watson topics hit on a Broadway leading man, a royal execution, a guy named Arthur, and someone who had violet eyes but was not named "Violet." And it's all Watson lore and legend, as it should be! It's Watson time!