Feb 26, 2024
It's an extra long dose of Watson medicine this week, as bull pup Maddie interviews comics guru Joanna Draper Carlson, and then Bull Pups & Company takes John Watson to task for the revelations of his first part of the "Solitary Cyclist" investigation. Also, what was Watson's Literary Agent doing at the scene of the...
Feb 19, 2024
There's a new Sherlock Holmes fan community going on out there whom Watson has adopted as his own, and this week bull pup Evidently Harmless joins us with the details. There's a new TV show coming that basically puts Watson in a box with Schrodinger's cat for the time being. Why did Watson's literary agent meet a...
Feb 11, 2024
Our evolution into just becoming a "Sherlock & Co." fan podcast continues, as we spend a whole half hour talking about a single podcast episode that doesn't last that long -- the first party of their "Gloria Scott" adaptation. Hope you're up for it, because we sure were.
Feb 5, 2024
It's another long commentary on Watson's podcast "Sherlock & Co." and its version of "Red-Headed League," but bull pup Buck still gets in some thought on Watson's Ford and Conan Doyle does something weird with A Study in Scarlet. Fill your ears!